Tagged: Boston Marathon

Terrorists Never Learn


The President of the United States spoke this morning and said that the FBI did not yet know if the Terrorist acts committed at the finish line of the Boston Marathon yesterday were committed by a group of terrorists or individuals.  So whomever it was, I will make this short.

To the coward(s) of whom it may concern,

Lets take a look at what your little stunt accomplished yesterday.

  • you killed 3 people, including an 8 year old.
  • you cancelled 2 sporting events
  • you woke a sleeping giant
  • Oh yeah, the President called you a “heinous coward”. Just thought I’d include that because I’m a fan of the word “heinous”.

I hope you feel like a big man killing that little boy, because I’m sure he was a real threat to whatever it is that you or your group is trying to accomplish. He was probably the worlds first 8 year old secret agent. Yeah, that must be it. Good job, you heinous piece of crap.

I said I would keep this short, so let me fill you in on what your ill conceived plan to “hurt” innocent American people is going to accomplish.

Today, Americans are going to wake up and eat breakfast. We’re going to drink our coffee, read our newspapers and take our kids to school. We’re going to drive our cars, go to our jobs and work just as hard as we ever have. Those that were hurt yesterday are going to pick themselves up and start rehabbing their scarred bodies and amputated limbs. We are going to pick our children up from school and ride bikes, go on walks, fly kites, have family dinner, go to baseball games, eat hot dogs, yell for our favorite teams, cheer for our favorite players, sing take me out to the ballgame and laugh. We’re going to take our kids home, get them ready for bed then kiss and hug them as we tuck them in for the night. We’re going to pray that the Lord will watch over us, protect us and our nation and we’re going to go to sleep without fear of anything that you or your little buddies are planning.

Sounds like a pretty good day.

You want to know what your day will be like?

You’re going to run and hide, and you’re going to stay that way until we find you. And WE WILL FIND YOU.  We’ll be on your heels every step of the way. Behind every closed door, around every corner, in every convenience store, school, post office, shopping mall, ballpark, movie theater, grocery store, coffee shop, sports bar or airplane. You’ll be hunted in every ditch, field, cove, cave and desert that you might run and hide in.

So I hope that seems like a fair trade to you, because whether or not you like it, this is how its going to be.

Well, I’m off to go for a jog, wave at my neighbors, listen to my music and enjoy my freedoms that you can never take away.


an American